Friday, August 4, 2017










 1. 安琪小姐错在买了东西却要求退还

 2. 安琪小姐错在自己却恶人先告状骂店员小姐

 3. 安琪小姐把店员小姐的影片po上网所以不对

 4. 安琪小姐欺负外劳

 5. 安琪小姐把小事搞大




(a). 安琪小姐说自己买错了,问店员能不能换卡

(b). 店员小姐很凶的声称这个是安琪小姐的错。在这里请注意关键词,安琪小姐特别加重店员小姐很凶而且态度不好

(c). 安琪小姐评论店员小姐不需要用那种态度骂人

(d). 安琪小姐不爽买东西要还看人脸色










至于店员小姐那一方面,就算遇到多无理的顾客,也要有耐心面对顾客,不能动怒,也不能大声回应以及用不礼貌的口气讲话。如果顾客无理就可以骂顾客,做service line的是不是也可以觉得顾客无理时可以大声讲他们呢?你call任何service centre能够接受他们认为你无理就大声讲你么?

或许大家认为店员小姐脸这么黑是因为安琪小姐骂了她,所以才会有如此态度。但没有人考虑过有些人是会有态度问题么?在这里,外劳或本地人,去KK或7-11买东西或者call service line就遇到态度欠佳的服务员已经是司空见惯的事。































在fallacy原理,有一个原理名为“Appeal to Masses”。大意就是说不是很多人相信的信念就是事实。












Saturday, April 29, 2017

Seriously, what can we do with school knowledge?

It has been more than 10 years since I graduated from school. Back to those days, the way parents want their child to study as much as possible doesn't has much differences compare to the current trend, from what I seen and heard.

We were convinced, forced, threatened, or any words you would like to think of by parents and "adults" that we must study very very hard or our future will be ruined.

Thinking back those time, and looking at current time, I can see lots of irony when parents strongly believe that studying hard and getting best academic result (or precisely, as much A as you could) is the only way to guarantee a good future. But I'm going to poke a hole on this misconception today.

There are many reasons why getting great academic results doesn't guarantee good future. One of the factors that I would urge the now-adults to think back what they had learnt in secondary school and how do they apply those knowledge in real life.

Just to make things clear, I'm not saying that what we learnt in secondary school are totally useless, but I would prefer to think practically on how and what we learn can be applied to real world.

1. Bahasa Malaysia

I start off with the compulsory subject that we must pass otherwise our SPM cert is practically useless.

But I really don't have much to talk about this. I only need basic BM to talk with Malays and most of the time, even Malays substitute lots of English words in BM.

Other than that, I only use BM to ask "How much?" and "Thank you" when I need to buy something.

All those simpulan bahasa and stuffs..... I had forgotten and don't need to use them at all in all these years.

2. Sejarah

If you work as a tourist in Malaysia, than you may need them. For me.... nope. I don't have any situation where I need to talk about parameswara, zaman dahulu and stuffs.

3. Sains

Science oh science... one of my favorite subjects at those days. Still remember all those experiments to understand how atoms and the relation of those body cells and stuffs.

But unless you work in the science institutes or some sort, ordinary people like me don't need to recall any sort of scientific knowledge in our daily life at all even though we are dealing with science every day.

4. Mathematics

The only time when I need to use math is to calculate total amount for my spending on lunch, dinner, etc during my monthly budget checking and to calculate how much lunch money I need to pay back to my colleague after lunch. And we only need addition, and then division, that's all.

Sorry about those statistic, sin-cos-tan.... I totally forgotten what do they looks like.

5. Pendidikan Moral

Seriously, who really practice actual morale in current society?

We may have taught all about morals which is actually very useful, highly valuable as a human being. But as we graduates and expose to the society, growing up made us realize that those moral subjects that we learnt in school doesn't always applicable in real life.

But I'm gonna leave those deep talk about morale in other time. The morals that we learnt in school are too basic, and the morality that we practice in the current society takes lots of hardship to learn the true morality, what should be right and whats not.... So in short, pendidikan moral doesn't teach us much.

6. Geography

So much info about the world, the land, countries.... but geography is one of the worst subjects in my list. Anyhow, I don't need to recall anything about geography in my daily life as well.

7. Pendidikan Seni

I'm from Art stream, and quite unfortunate that I'm not in those business subjects classes. In short, I had disposed my brushes, watercolor and stuffs long time ago.

I'm kinda into digital image editing (a.k.a Photoshop) nowadays, but what I learnt in pendidikan seni has nothing I can apply to my life right now.

8. Bahasa Inggeris

The reason why I put English as the last subject I want to talk about is because English is by far the most practical subjects I ever needed since I graduated from schools. As you can see, most of my posts and blogs are all in English. Can't deny the usefulness of this.

However, I can't say that English is the most useful subjects in school. Despite getting an A in SPM for English, I only learn to speak and write proper English when I enter college. And it took me tons of courage and years to speak to people, practice, and polish my English in order to be understandable by majority.

So, sorry to say that the English classes that we had in school is actually insufficient. And given that we had major issues about people having tough time communicating in English as reported here, I can't provide suggestion that our school is providing sufficient English knowledge for our youths to face the society.

Final Words

It's acceptable if you may think that I'm probably the type of students that don't pay too much attention and interest in school, in which you are right and I'm strongly agree to this.

I don't mean to boost but back those days, I don't really see the point of studying academic subjects to our best effort when we probably don't need it other than to make our SPM cert looks beautiful, in case our uncles/aunties want to take a look.

In terms of amount of usefulness in each subject, I really can't say that I learnt anything useful for my career, self development, and my life in overall.

I always have a thing about studying hard in school just to get a nice looking SPM cert, and I can be honest with you that my SPM cert is not nice looking at all but I can proudly tell you that I'm having a stable job with proper income, and I have no issue or worries in my future career path at all.

And my SPM cert? Probably in my closet cabinet, I think.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Medical Malpractice in Malaysia's General Clinic

Few weeks ago, I suffer from one sided headache in which I can't tell if it's exactly a headache or migraine. It's not the usual headache that affect most of the part in my head, I can only describe it as slight uncomfortable around the area of my left eyes. And it's so happen that I got inflammation around my gum (later, I found out that it was caused by tooth infection) and I wasn't able to work on that day as I need rest.

Later that day in the evening, I visited the clinic when I felt better. And that's turn out to be a strong trigger for me to write this subject.

It's nothing new for me to be greeted with unfriendly and moody receptionist. I'm used to it and I can live with it as usual.

When I met the doctor, I told her what's wrong with me and describe my condition for the inflamed gum and headache. For my surprise, the first question she ask me was: "Why now only you come?". I was stunned for sometime as I did not expect this type of question. At some point, I don't even see the purpose of asking this type of question. So my usual response made me asking "Excuse me?" to clarify the purpose of her question. Which creep me out when she turn her head staring into my eyes and raise her tone repeating the question "WHY NOW ONLY YOU COME?".

I got chill down my spine with such reaction which took me quite awhile trying to figure out some very basic thing. What other thing I can do visiting a clinic? Looking for set meal? I try to clear my mind to figure out the less sarcastic answer to tell her that I got inflamed in my gum and headache. Naturally, I also told her that I need MC on this which is one of the unavoidable reasons why I have to visit the clinic. If it's not because of my company policy, I would rather staying at home to rest.

The doctor also ask me about my job's working hour that made me more confuse. Eventually, she told me that I should visit the clinic during working hour and not that I can come whenever I like, because that is what listed according to law.

I can get it if she's saying that I should visit the clinic when I'm not at the right condition so that they can get a better look into my condition, but I never heard anything like we are suppose to visit the clinic during office hour. I visited so many clinics in my life after working hour and I don't have any issue so far. If this is a new law or just the rules in their clinic, I can live with it.

I asked several friends after this about the matter where the doctor claim that we are suppose to visit clinic during office hour, and all of them bulled on that idea as they also visit clinic after working hour and has no issue on that.

And then she proceed to ask me to open my mouth to check on my gum. In the middle of the checking, she impatiently ask me to open wider as she can't see properly. I think, it's nothing hard to ask politely instead of asking impatiently, I can let this slip thou. And the entire checking doesn't take long, I'm unsure what type of thing she could diagnose with a less than 15 seconds eyes ball checking on my gum.

After the checking, she turn her head on the computer without a words. Left me clueless. And I have to ask her what's wrong with my gum, and she utter the word "don't know". And that is all she said. I ask her again on what is wrong with my headache, and as expected she just repeat the sentence "don't know".

I told the doctor that I took painkiller the night before due to the gum pain caused by inflammation. She ask me what is the name of the painkiller. I said I don't remember. And the she got more impatient and repeat the same question which left me no choice but repeat the same answer to say that I don't remember the painkiller name. I don't even think it's logical that anyone can remember every single scientific medicine name before they consume it even if it's the short name. I told her I don't need more painkiller because I still have plenty with me. i found it challenging to convince her on this but eventually she let it off. She just provide me antibiotics and mouthwash, and that's it.

The last thing before I go is to ask for the MC, despite knowing that she didn't diagnose anything and don't get to know what's wrong with me. She hesitate to give at first, but claim that she will give it this time but not for the next time if I go after office hour.

In another case, I have a friend who experience an obvious food poisoning symptoms and went for a checkup. As a result, the doctor provided basic checkup and conclude that she has nothing wrong, while she is experiencing extreme discomfort in her stomach. She went for another clinic afterwards, and the doctor from the other clinic pointed out that this is obviously food poisoning.

Before that, I also heard that one of my colleagues experience discomfort in her stomach but couldn't tell what's wrong. She went to the hospital for a detail checkup. The doctor carried out checkup which including x-rays and others. As a result, the doctor couldn't identify what's wrong but she was charged RM700 for those checkups. All these malpractice and ignorance occur during patient visits to the clinic is nothing new in many clinics out there. It's not the first time that I left the clinic feeling deeply disappointed about the lack of diagnose and treatment from the doctor. What worse, it's the same as the case that I mention above, the doctor didn't even provide any appropriate diagnosis. Naturally, the doctor think that the patient has nothing wrong just because they failed to carry out any basic checking.

Medical Malpractice & Negligence is Too Common, Too Dangerous

In medical field, one of the bigger issue is medical negligence. According to Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) as stated in Forbes, medical negligence is the third leading cause of death in US.

While medical negligence often related to more serious example that doctor failed to identify the patient condition which lead to unwanted prolong suffering and injuries, many patients did not get informed of the underlying illness when doctors failed to identified them, didn't get the right type of treatment earlier and eventually, the illnesses advance into a later stage which might turn out to be deadly.

According to The Guardian, medical negligence contributed to almost half of the population who suffer cancer at the British area wasn't realize that they have cancer until the last stage. And the alarming thing is, the rate has been increasing every year, result in increasing number of people facing the tragic fate of cancer being untreated and the consequences of dying.

Need more convincing facts on medical negligence? Read these stories about medical negligence.

While the concept of medical negligence in cancer sounds too serious compare to the medical malpractice of failing to carry out basic diagnose and care in the clinic issue as I mentioned earlier, I'm afraid that these two are based on the same concept and might eventually result in the same impact.

In the case where my colleague visited the hospital to check on what's wrong with her stomach and the doctor couldn't find anything, in case it turns out to be something really serious and life threatening (touchwood!), this is a matter of life and death. The carelessness and small mistake of a doctor would result in illness not being discovered and treated earlier, and waiting for it to become worse.

And it's not that our country is lacking of the necessary medical knowledge and facilities. Obviously, the medical knowledge in our country is great and sufficient to save people life, but that is only if the people in the medical positions are doing their job properly.

Slight Difference of Malpractice and Negligence

Despite creating this post, I'm not saying that all patients who are unfortunate to not having their illness discovered earlier are definitely the doctor to be blamed. Despite the advancement of medical facilities worldwide, it's not perfect. Nothing can guarantee all illnesses and diseases to be discovered earlier and everyone can definitely receive treatment at the right time.

This is where I need to draw a line between Malpractice and Negligence.

We talk about negligence when it involve many other factors when a patient is not receiving the right treatment and care from clinic or hospital, other than doctor is not doing their job properly to carry out the right checkup and treatment.

Factors such as machine or equipment faulty and inaccuracy, and inadequate advancement of technology to treat certain illness are part of the reasons we need to consider when comes to negligence. This is something that people got to blame on the medical industry despite the advancement of technologies. But I wouldn't say it's completely reasonable to blame on the medical industry. We had great advancement in terms of medical technology to detect and treat many diseases around the world. It's just not perfect enough that it can cure and treat anything.

But in this post, I focus merely on doctor not carrying out their job properly, which relate mainly to the terms "malpractice". Medical malpractice is when a doctor suppose to carry out his/her responsibility accordingly but he/she failed to do so. While negligence could be caused by external factor, medical malpractice is mainly caused by the doctors themselves.

The Possible Causes of Medical Malpractice

The factors that cause medical malpractice vary according to different doctors and scenario. Definitely, there are times when we can't completely assume that the doctors not carrying out their job means they must be lacking of the specific requirement and knowledge as a doctor, so they should not become a doctor at all.

Before writing this post, I created a thread in a forum regarding this issue. There are mixed responses and ideas among the discussions. While many agree that the doctor failed to perform their duty and it's always been a common issue that everyone used to it. Apparently, people are used to visiting the clinic or hospital but can only bet on luck if the doctor would diagnose and treat them properly even though they definitely have to pay for it.

Many people prefer to visit the same doctor who had treated them before and had good experience with the doctor. But sometimes this also depends on luck. Medical malpractice from the doctor might not happen all the time. It might be depending on different time and situation. It's the same when you recommend a good doctor that you met before to other people, but when that person visits the doctor, he or she might get different treatment.

There are people in the forum who suggested that doctors are also human, they may make mistake or unable to carry out their duty on certain days due to particular reasons, it doesn't always means that the doctor is not suitable for their job.

I could agree partially on this. Doctors, no matter how great it may sounds or how difficult it is to get into this position, in the end of the day it's just a job with better pay compare with many jobs out there. We can't always assume that people who got into the position of doctor are 100% passionate about everything related to being a doctor, and we can safely assume that many people became doctors because of the elder generation trying to make us think that becoming a doctor is much more better in "almost everything" comparing to other jobs.

I'm not saying that this is wrong. We are always brought up this way where we are asked to enroll our life into something because it's good for the future. And I can say that this trend will continue on and on for unpredictable number of years and generations. This is an issue only when we do what others want us to do but we are not aware of what we are doing.

The exact root cause of medical malpractice is unknown, we can only have our own assumptions. Based on the current situations, I can only suggest a few possible assumptions for the cause of medical malpractice:
  1. Lack of interest and passion as a doctor

    Like what I mentioned earlier, not all doctors chose their path because they are 100% willing to become a great doctor and know what it's all about. There are many people who chose to become doctors, lawyers, or running their own business because these are what the world trying to convince us that's where the future lies. As a part of the negative impact, many people don't really understand what they suppose to do so they are unable to contribute all their effort into that.

  2. Inadequate studies on medical fields

    This can be caused by three issues:
    • The current medical studies and knowledge that we have in our world is not perfect, that are limited amount of information we can study and learn that can tell us everything we need to fulfill for the role of doctors.
    • The current education system don't focus mainly on making sure that people who became doctors are capable of executing their own tasks and responsibility in a perfect manner. One of the giant loopholes in our modern education systems is to ensuring that people can pass on their examination and get into their relevant job position so that it's good for the economy. This issue causes many graduates passed their education with the preset education requirement, but doesn't completely fulfill the exact requirement according to the real world needs.
    • Simply put, the person who undertake the medical course is not hardworking enough in studies.

  3. The doctor is unfit for work

    I guess the title is self-explained. Doctors are also human. Even if they know what type of medicine they need in certain time, they may experience sickness and unwell.

  4. In short, the doctor just refuse to treat people properly.

    Feeling lazy, something about their personal life bothering them, the type of patient they are dealing with, the prejudice of thinking that a patient is here just because he or she just want MC to skip work, and many other reasons you can think of that causes them refuse to diagnose and treat a patient properly despite they are completely fine and capable of treating a patient properly.

In the end of the day, the position of doctor can't get away with the relation of being just a job. It requires great amount of time and effort, and it doesn't depends on luck to become a doctor. But there are always a limit amount of professionalism that we can put into any kind of job in this world. The limited amount of professionalism is just common, although this causes many problems and when it comes to the main topic that we are talking about, the issues in medical field cause great impact compare to other job because it involve health, and it has direct relation with people's life and well being.

So, How Serious is Medical Malpractice?

Perhaps so far I only got to mention the most serious issue about medical malpractice is failure to detect the actual illness or disease of a patient, and might eventually lead to illness or disease being untreated and advance into the terminal stage. Which is the most worrying thing since ordinary people like us can only depending on doctor to watch out for our health and tell us when something is going on in our body.

Most of the times, we can only notice something is wrong in our body when something unusual is happening to our body and we can feel that we are not the usual self. But unfortunately, many of the illnesses out there such as cancer doesn't shows you any sign until it's too late. This is why, we have to depend on technology and doctor's help to let us know as soon as something is not right in our body.

If we look into the reality, the issue of medical malpractice that lead to serious and terminal illness or disease due to doctors not diagnosing and providing the right treatment before it's too late is not something that we heard of it all the time. Many people wouldn't realize of the impact because we usually don't have any serious issue in our body.

It just that, when such situation happen, this is beyond devastated for a person's life. And it's not like this is totally depending on luck, as if it's just pure misfortune that it happen to a person, because there were possible detection and cure before it's too late, if only medical malpractice doesn't take place and we are informed earlier.

The impact of medical malpractice doesn't always relate to terminal illnesses. Sometimes the health issue that a person dealt with is not critical and causes death, but it could be a chronic issue that follows a person for life if no one inform us and we did not receive the right diagnose and treatment at all.

Although chronic illnesses might not cause death, but it cause certain level of discomfort and inconvenience to people life, and this can affect their well being and living experience very much. If people with chronic illnesses can receive the right treatments at the right time, even though they might not get complete cure from that, at least they are well aware of the condition and able to take precautions so that the illness doesn't get worst and they know the dos and don'ts to live their life properly, compare to not knowing anything at all and accidentally trigger the condition because they are not aware of it.

So, What I'm Expecting Doctors to Do?

First of all, learn to throw away all the personal issues, prejudice and whatever that could impact the quality of a doctor's way of listening, analyzing and treating patient when they are on the job. I don't know how difficult it is, but I bet it's not apply only to the position of doctor, it's the same for all kind of jobs. While I talked about the limited professionalism that could happen sometimes, this does not mean it's alright to let the mistake go on and not doing anything about it because we are, in nature, living being that frequently make mistake.

For the position of doctor, the needs of ensuring the quality and professionalism is extremely crucial due to the serious impact. Unlike many other jobs, lacking of professionalism in other job might not cause the issue of life and death. This is why being a doctor means far more than just checking out on patient condition and giving them medication.

Not all people understand that the general practitioner (GP) in clinic has major differences comparing with specialist, and being doctors doesn't mean all of them capable of the same thing. Most GP focus on general or common conditions and apart of giving out medication to patients who have common flu and fever, GP plays an important role as the first doctor that patient need to meet and understand if their condition require specialist's attention.

In the scenario when a patient's condition require the attention of a specialist, I don't think the patient would know that he/she need to meet a specialist if the GP did not provide the correct analysis and recommendation.

In most cases of what I heard about people's experience of visiting the clinic, the doctors usually start by listening the detail of the patient's condition, and at most, provide suggestion or idea before giving out certain medication that related or "could help" the patient's condition.

But patient's condition is based on self experience on what they experience within their five sense. A patient might experience little discomfort on the stomach which turn out to be heartburn. During the visit in the clinic, the patient's condition might sounds like an ordinary food-related stomach ache issue. When the doctor assume the condition as stomach ache, that's how medical malpractice happen and cause the suffering of another patient.

While I can't tell exactly what is the correct practice of doctor when a patient visit, I would consider that a GP, should at least listen to the patient's condition thoroughly and discuss a little more of any other symptoms that might relate to certain illnesses or diseases.

For common sickness such as fever and flu, many people probably experience it many times and do not need precise diagnosis to know the condition. But such common sickness might be one part of the symptoms of serious illnesses such as dengue. I think the doctor can discuss a little more with the patient to understand their condition such as how long the sickness have occurred and how serious it is to rule out and identify the possibility of a much serious sickness.

My Conclusion on This

There are great amount of issues about medical malpractice that I wanted to talk about. But if I'm going to include everything into this subject, this article will be endless. In short, I wanted to point out that we are human being that need to put health as main priority. By luck or by gen, I guess I can say that everyone's body definitely has at least a few conditions to deal with, especially when we got older.

We definitely have to spend great amount of expenses into medicine and treatments to cure and maintain the conditions. The question is, are we getting the right treatment? The spending amount for medical treatments is one huge sum, not everyone can afford those money and the bigger problem is, if people spend this money and not getting the right treatment, what's the difference between money contributed to medical field and tax money enforced by meaningless politic needs? It would be a major problem when doctors that hold a position that were meant to save life and contribute better well being for the popularity are not capable of providing the right treatment that people need.

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Fall of Malaysia's Taxi Business

Source: My Sinchew

Multiple protests from Malaysia taxis had been occurring since the existence of Uber and GrabCar. And we can no doubt to expect more protests to come in the near future as long as Uber and GrabCar continue to operate.

Since the rise of the Malaysia taxi's competitor, the Malaysia taxis finally feel that their boats are no longer stable. The wave had massive impact to them for now and future. Which is really obvious to everyone, regardless if they are taxi drivers, SPAD, the competitors or the customers.

The protest had turn out to be a great disadvantage to Malaysia taxis instead because it's too obvious that the protest is just a matter of showing dissatisfaction as a result of own incompetence.

The protest was done for the sole purpose of asking Uber and GrabCar to close down so that Malaysia taxis can monopolize the market again and everyone got no choice but to depend on the taxis. If this protest make any sense at all, isn't it going to work if I'm going to run an internet service provider company and I protest to ask Maxis, Celcom, Digi and all other service providers out there to close down so that I can monopolize the market? Of course this is going to be some of the largest jokes in the country as if we haven't had enough joke in this country.

Improving Service & Reputation: Practical but Not Possible

Needless to say, the protest bring the Malaysia taxis reputation further down to the abyss because the people had been forced to take taxi and there's no other choice when you need a temporary transportation by car and their dissatisfaction had been accumulating with no hope of seeing the Malaysia taxis to improve for more than 10 years.

When such competition appear, given that they are an ordinary business, they should put up some guts to compete and improve their service so that they can compete with the competitors.

But they don't think so. Rather than doing something practical and logical to compete and get back their customers, they go with the illogical and unreasonable method of protest and blaming on their competitors, as if that could somehow make their competitor go away.

Many still think that they should improve themselves rather than putting all the blame on others. Yes, that is the most logical and reasonable way of doing business. However, what I can see is they are doing the harder way to step deeper into the abyss and losing the reputation even more rather than improving when they have massive amount of obstacles to get back their customers to begin with. This is why, the fall of Malaysia taxis is just a matter of time.

If SPAD able to realize the important needs to change all these mindsets to be competence and improve so that they can at least maintain the business even if they are can longer monopolize the market, SPAD would face many obstacles in not just to convince the people to consider using their service sometimes, the taxi drivers also play a major part in making the business difficult to go on.

The Oldies are Difficult to Change

The communities of taxi drivers hasn't been a good one since the beginning. People in the society are too used to being ill treated in speech, attitude, and charging without taxi meter when they need to use a taxi. This has been a common issue to many people out there for uncountable of years but no one will ever be used to it and feel alright about it. And to make it worst, any sort of complaints since years ago doesn't have any improvement at all. More taxi drivers start to do the same instead of the other way round.

You know that when people are getting older, they will eventually more reluctant to change. They prefer things to be the same as always because that's something they had been doing since the past. They feel comfortable and adapt to it. They have a strong resistant to changing things as they age. If you ask the elderly or senior taxi drivers to change their attitude, be polite, and don't ever pick up customer without taxi meter..... I can only imagine and laugh at it.

Of course, given the current situation there are people who willing to do so because they see the needs of being competitive. But the taxis community is a huge one. When a large group of people unwilling to change and insist on doing the same way, many would follow. That's one of the major reasons of their downfall when they refuse to change their way of thinking but prefer to let their ego work things out and going to cause more protests to come, and further destroy their own reputation.

Lack of Real World Competitive Knowledge & Strength

Uber and GrabCar is a new business, and one of the great advantages of a new business is the flexibility of implementing new method & technology and changing of operation style compare to old businesses that had been operated for too many years.

I would say they did a good job to take advantage of mobile apps to add value into their business. Since most people nowadays have mobile phone and accessing the internet is not an issue at all, people can access to car transportation service with a few tap on the mobile device rather than standing beside the road and under the big hot sun and wait for taxi. And we know that even if we manage to find one taxi that willing to stop for you, they might reject picking you up due to their liking or offer unreasonable charges beforehand.

There are small amount of taxi drivers begin to take advantage of the mobile apps for such flexibility, but it's not going to be easy to change entirely because many people are too used to doing the typical way. I wouldn't bet on seeing Malaysia taxis trying to be competitive from the technology aspect.

Another great obstacle is to maintain the standard operation. For Uber, their method of picking up customers is written clearly and people should expect that as their standard operation. When people need to use Uber, they just need to tap on their device and look for Uber drives that willing to pick them up on specific location, get on board, reach the destination, get off, the charges will be calculated accordingly. You can even rate the driver if you want. And they are able to carry the standard operation as expected.

But for Malaysia taxis, it's hard for you to guess what type of charging method they are going to use on you because it's all up to their own liking. When you stop a taxi, you will be dealing with one of the possible charging method as below:
  1. Running on the taxi meter
  2. Offer you the preset charges and not using the taxi meter
  3. Using or not using the taxi meter but comes with additional charges from nowhere after the ride
If there is suppose to be a standard charging method, the most ideal one would be running on the taxi meter. But there is a huge problem. The taxi meter has many occurrence of being "malfunction" and there is no choice other than narrow down to the second option.

If SPAD able to fix on their standard of no charging method other than using the taxi meter and if the taxi meter cannot be used for some reason, the taxi driver cannot pick up any customers at all until the taxi meter is fixed, there is still some issues with this method.

Many taxi drivers who frequently targeting on tourist hot spots such as Petaling Street and KLCC can no longer earn as they want. These tourist hot spots are the places that are known to charging unreasonable costs and can go up to RM25-RM50 even for short distance. If the taxi drivers are force to use meter, the usual profits can be many times lower and we may expect taxi drivers to do another protest for SPAD to bring down this standard operation.

Thus, implementing new method or changing things in the usual operation can easily result in huge dissatisfaction among taxi drivers which make it harder for SPAD to take the appropriate steps to satisfy all factors. While it's not totally hopeless for SPAD to carry out new changes for a better future as long as taxi drivers willing to co-operate but as mentioned earlier, the resistant for the taxi drivers to change is another major issue. So.... too bad.

Job Seekers Found Better Opportunities for Uber & GrabCar

I don't have the statistic, but I can assume that lots of youngsters are not interested to be a taxi driver. Uber driver is much more appropriate, but definitely not taxi driver.

The thing about being a taxi driver is usually some of the last thing that parent can expect their child to do. The society's general perspective doesn't take taxi driver as one of the recommended job for the youngsters.

People in general don't think about being a taxi driver unless they have nothing but driving skill. There isn't much to talk about being a taxi driver for a low pay, minimal benefit, lack of career advancement kind of job.

But everyone love to talk about the benefits of being Uber/GrabCar driver and consider as one of the good choice of side income. One of the promising benefit is the flexibility to work whenever you want as long as you are able to achieve the least expected profit.

This is exactly what many people want because not everyone want to work full time on picking up customers, there are many people out there who prefer spend additional time for their personal stuff at their own preferred time.

How much you earn is depending on how hard working you are on picking customers, which is quite reasonable. But you don't have to try really hard to pick up on customer because it's all depending on customer to look for you, and the demand of calling for Uber and GrabCar is getting higher nowadays. So you don't really have to worry about difficult to get customer at all.

So, is this the end of Malaysia's Taxi Business?

Although the title of this blog stated the fall of Malaysia's Taxi Business, but we can't say for sure right now. It's been a known issue of the people general perception towards taxi and I could say most passenger would definitely choose Uber/GrabCar as long as they have clear idea between this two option. But there is still slight hope for Malaysia taxis to survive and go on.

Despite being the first time that Malaysia taxis need to deal with such large scale competitors, they had established their base in Malaysia for many, many years. Thus, there are still large population (especially the oldies, yeah...) used to taking taxis and don't feel like trying new thing.

Uber and GrabCar is depending on people's mobile device to obtain the service, this means the passenger must use their device in order to get the service. But taxis on the other hand is going all over the places for passengers. Although there are good and bad for this method, but doing so allow taxis to reach larger scale of passengers and throughout wider range of places. So in terms of number of passengers and territory, Malaysia taxis can still get an upper hand on this, just that it's for now.

By the rise of Uber and GrabCar popularity and passenger liking to choose them, this is definitely one impact that taxi drivers need to take serious consideration and carefully plan their way to pick the right decision to maintain their business in this society.

Perhaps they should start with fixing on the timing and organizing their protest if they want to perform any protest in the future so that they can avoid the future situation like this.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Why I gave cash to a guy who claim that he lost his wallet

Scamming attack has been a famous trend in Malaysia for more than 10 years, and it has been evolving with many different patterns and targeting wide range of people. The method of scamming used by the people are really creative and interesting to achieve the final result of persuading the victim to give money to the persuader willingly.

I had lost count of how many people came to me with a strong sense of trying to scam my money. And only the persuader himself or herself knows whether this is a scam or they are genuine and urgently need help from others.

It happens just about 10 minutes ago as I typing here.

After walking around in the KLCC park to cleanse my mind a litte, went to Kinokuniya for some interesting reading time, I ended up hiding myself in the Avenue K's Library Coffee Bar. I was writing for another blog and suddenly this Indian guy came to me, with lots of sweats around his face but nicely dressed, ask me if I'm a local here. Without much thought, I answer him honestly that I'm a local although this is just the same type of fishy feeling as how other potential scammers approach me before, and I obviously can see that he just want money from me in the end of his story.

He sit on the chair just in front of me and start to tell me his story: He got robbed yesterday night around Ampang area when he suppose to go back to Ipoh (can't remember correctly, either Ipoh or Perak). His wallet, phone, everything was gone. He went to the police station right after that to make police report and ended up got out of the police station around 4am. He wanted to report his lost credit card or something in the bank today but unfortunately, today is a Saturday so the bank is not open, same goes for tomorrow. So he got no way to report his lost card and try to claim his money that is in the bank. He has no money at all since last night, his car's petrol is almost gone. He wish he could go back to his hometown but definitely can't make it without filling up the car petrol and pay for the toll.

He got no choice but to ask for helps from others. Before meeting me here, he went to the Mcdonald in Ampang Park and try to ask for help from one Indian guy but he was treated badly. According to him, the Indian guy scold him with harsh word assuming that he is definitely a scammer and a bad guy who want to cheat people money. That Indian guy even insulted his parent which hurt him very much. He was tearing continuously as he spoke.

He showed me a police report with his name and information. Apparently, yesterday was his birthday and the tragic happen right on his birthday. He ask me to take a photo of the police report and his picture. He need RM100 petrol fee and RM24+ toll fee from me, and he ask for my phone number and bank account number because he promise to bank in the money to my account after he got back to his hometown.

He was trying really hard to tell me all sort of things about him don't want to be any sort of cheater in his life and he want to be a genuine person. And he told me if he offended me or anything he could apologize with his knee down and so on.

I don't exactly know how much petrol fee you really need for a full journey from KL to Ipoh or Perak, I don't know if RM100 is consider too much or that's the right amount of petrol fee for the three to four hours car journey. And RM24 toll fee? I know toll fee had increase recently but I feel that it's a little too much for over RM20 toll fee. And he claim that he haven't been eaten since yesterday till now because he got no money at all, so it would be great if there is a little spare money for him to eat something.

At this point, I have to clarify something: most of his story is nothing really new and it's the same as what I had heard from the potential scammers in the past. They just happen to met with some tragic fate and they urgently need "some" cash and that's is a once in a lifetime miracle for them. This guy's story is just the same type.

If I were to assume that his story is not genuine and he just a mere scammer, I have my reasons too.

The police report is, after all, just a piece of printed paper. The real police report in Malaysia can be seen in many places, even in Google Image. It's nothing difficult to get the police logo, follow the actual police report format including all the necessary details in actual police report, type in your own content, complete the signature by yourself in any way you want and finally, print it out to look like a real police report.

Capturing a picture of the police report and him is not going to help anything. If he is actually a scammer, and he did not return me the cash that he promised after he gone off, I can post the picture in all sort of social platforms but, didn't we have it all the time? How much we are able to do to find out the scammer just because we got the face of the scammer?

Or simply, without tell him any reason, I think it's natural that I can just raise my own suspicious and just tell him off as I'm not willing to provide any support at all.

But putting all those aside and as a result, I decided to give him some cash, but not the RM100 petrol fee + RM24 toll fee that he requested, I'm only willing to give him RM50. Mainly because I only have around RM50 cash other than RM100 notes. I given him RM49, because another RM1 was gone because the Cappuccino cost RM11 and that's all I'm willing to give him.

He said that he wish that I can provide him the rest of the money because he really don't wish to ask for help from another person anymore. Probably afraid of going through the same thing as the Mcdonald's Indian guy case. But I firmly told him that this is all the money that I could provide him and he don't need to give it back to me. I wish him all luck that he could go through this and back to his hometown. He thanked me a lot and give me hand shake before he left.

I won't think too much whether he is a cheater or not. If he seriously need help, I hope I'm able to help him even it just a little compare to what he need. And if he is indeed a cheater, for a person to go against their conscience to cheat for just RM124, I feel like that's making themself too low and so unworthy of living.

I can imagine other people would call me stupid or silly for helping people because of some stories that has no valid way to prove that they are true. But well, I'm not going to argue too deep into this. Consider that I'm in a good mood today or I learn something about looking in this world in a different perspective today, RM124 is not something too major for me. I also did consider for the part if he is indeed a cheater, providing the cheater what they want could encourage them to cheat more because they think that it work, and that would eventually contribute to making the cheating trend stronger.

In the end of the day, I think we should always beware of cheating and scamming. While putting that in mind, don't forget that all of us probably would somehow fall into the situation where we need strangers help when we can't reach for our friends and family at all and they don't realize of our tragic. It's totally up to your own will if you want to help or not. Even if you don't help at all for whatever reason you have, I don't think you are being cruel or being too smart in avoiding scams.

Who knows, I might falls into the same situation in the future and I will have to beg some strangers just as he did. I probably going through the same type of experience and feeling as him in the future. If that really happen, probably I will be writing another blog post and relate this post to that in the future. But well, who knows?

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Asian Parent that We Should Be

The issue with Asian parents is that many people have too many issues about them. Before I talk further, let’s make it clear that I’m not saying that western and other region of parent have less or no issue at all. I believe all type of parents have own sets of matter to talk about but as Asians, we all live under the general perspective of Asian parent’s mindset and we will, either doing it or going to be, live and practice our life as Asian parent to tutor and mold the perspective of next generation.

Perhaps talk about the main purpose why I want to start this topic. You see, many Asians are successful when comes to old age. Success in our mindset does not always referring to wealthy and famous, but Asian’s mindset has a set of guideline to do to make yourself think that you are successful. This is good, although it’s sort of like hypnotism that possess you for life. But in order to do that, you have to live in pain.

We are generally convinced that to achieve success, we must go through suffering and pain, but we MUST achieve success. It’s totally different from putting extra effort and time to achieve more. By all means if restless night and working when we are sick able to ensure continuous productivity, that is what we have to do. As long as we have sufficient money and able to take up loan to contribute to car and house, and continue our career. We will eventually be convinced that we are successful at a certain degree.

To argue about this mindset is out of the question because our grandparent gone through the world war time when starvation and lack of job is a common symptom in life. When the war time is over, our grandparent focus to ensure our parent able to obtain education and get a good job and life, and try their best, even if it’s mean the harsh way, to make our parent understand the importance of success that eventually lead to good life, and never ever go through the suffering life like war time.

This mindset is generally agreed and practiced in our parent’s generation but for our generation, we are exposed to wide range of options and worlds that telling us that we don’t need to be successful and the most important thing in life is happiness. The conflicts occurred when we grew up with the perspective of our parent (need to be successful, need to go through pain, etc) and as we became adult, we learnt that actually the world is quite different with Asian perspective that we had been taught. That is when, the older we are, the more we have things that disagree with the Asian perspective.

The bigger issue results in the individual that are taught in an Asian way. Because the main idea of Asian mindset of a person growth does not involve much about happiness. We are convinced that we need to be fierce, cruel, strong and etc in order to face this world and create your own path of success. But this idea is just a mask, we wear it because our culture say that we have to. In the inner side of our personality, we somehow built a strong resistant to it even if we follow the ideal without questioning much. And that results in negative impacts such as low confident, insecure, self-denied and etc, because we frequently have conflicts between things we think should be done, and things that telling us that we have to follow without questioning.

Regardless if we are comfortable with how we are living right now, the undeniable fact is that the world is changing. People in the modern city no longer need to live to be competent, afraid of starvation and have to go through hardship in order to live. We are given more options by the outside world as of how we want to live and what we want to do. We can also involve ourself in volunteer and working for NGO that contradict with the definition of success in Asian’s perspective but that’s how we see life should be.

You might want to be the same as how typical Asian thinking is, but we don’t need the next generation to be the same type as how we are: focusing on career to ensure success, live with pain and suffering to achieve what we want, think that if we don’t achieve success means we are nothing, and so on.

This is why the following advice is mainly for our generation who are going to be, or is currently, parent that responsible to guide and shape the mindset of our next generation.

1. Encourage Hope and Belief

This world is cruel. There are a lot of tragedies that we see but we can’t do anything about it. There are all sort of disasters and human-created injustice happen time to time and all we could do is just think about it and hope that we will not fall into the tragic fate. In the end of the day, what we are able to do when we think of it is just a mere thoughts. We usually don’t think too much about it, forget about it and move on with our life.

But our thinking is just stopping people from growing and allow tragedy to happen continuously. We even convince ourself and people that we should not do anything about it. The good thing is, we can avoid ourself and people to face any tragedy and risk their life for something that might not bear any fruit at all; but the impact is, more and more people is not willing to do anything because they are convinced that since most people are not doing anything about it, tragic is always tragic when it happens but actually that’s not the case.

There are many ways to stop tragedy from happening without us realizing it, especially when we are leading a better life compare to many people in this world. Many people around the world are doing it. It might seems insignificant but if you look up to the latest news around the world, there are activities that changing the world slowly and becoming better. Because people have hope, and they have solid belief that changes are possible and the world can be much better instead of just sit back and let the world change by itself. And they are able to see the belief in actual

We are lacking of this power, unless we change how we think about the world and our capability. If we are too possess with our usual living, and many people around us need us to continue what we suppose to do, we can entrust the importance of hope and belief to next generation. At least, teach them to think that people are capable of changes, this world is not hopeless, they can build and use their power to enrich themselves, the people, and the world. Let them know there are unlimited possibilities that they can depend on.

2. Success and Achievements are small step at a time

Success will always be part of our desire, and it’s not just for Asians but for the whole world. This is something that is practiced globally regardless of races and nations. But what I want to emphasize is the perception when we look at success. Most of us think that success is one big thing. It’s like we got it means we got it all. But when we are asked to defined what is success, or what type of success we want, it can take years for a person to identify the type of success they want.

Especially for Asian mindset, success is always set as later stage like you gotta be at least 40 or 50 to talk about it. The problem is, before that age of success, people are considered as inexperience and immature, because they are not at that stage, yet.

This is not true at all, age should never define success and maturity, it’s defined by your knowledge and what you capable of. Furthermore, this world has multiple millionaires at the age of 30 and before. If that doesn’t consider successful, what would? This is why, we should not persuade people to think that success is one big thing. Before you achieve it, you are nothing. It’s a long road, and you need to have the courage to walk on it. Even before you reach the destination, walking on the road ensure you are on progress. Without the final success, you are building your capability and skill, you are definitely something once you started walking on the road.

3. Dare to ask Why and Know Why to ask

When you question an Asian “Why” on a certain subjects that they used to do it on regular basis, you can get a lot of interesting reply and reaction from them. Frequently, if you notice, when you question why they would think like that and what’s the reason behind their behavior, sometimes you can see that they would stunned for awhile and need some time to think before answering your question. The issue with Asian perspective is that we always follow. There are times when we know why, but most of the times we don’t know or unsure about it. We follow because our culture asked us to do so. While we can reason that we are right because the culture and mindset usually has nothing wrong. We are just doing what others think are right.

The problem with this approach is that we do not truly understand why we suppose to do something. The mindset of Asian told us that we need to get promotion in our current job position. If you ask your friend who is working at a higher position in a company, try to ask why they need to get into that position. It’s quite often that you will get answer that is not related to his/her own will. In other words, he did not choose to get into this position at his/her own will. He/she do so because he/she has to.

This can ensure walking on a solid path because you are doing what other’s had proven to be right. The only problem is you didn’t give yourself a chance to think in another perspective and ask yourself “Why”. Why you have to achieve a higher position? Why you want to own a bigger, better properties? Why you want to practice this type thinking? Not only start to question yourself with “Why”, you need to think what’s wrong with the opposite site, as in so what if you did not get into a high job position, own bigger & better properties and so on.

Many people did not realize, asking “Why” is the way to open up a new path and solution. Because we dare to imagine and look into alternate idea, whereas many people don’t do that because they want to stay in a comfort zone. Teach your child to be curious and identify the true reason of anything they encounter, encourage them to think what could be wrong with current approach and grant the capability to identify the right path and create solution for the most ideal approach that we did not think of.

4. Being successful is not a result, it’s a mindset

As an Asian, we frequently talk about how successful other people is based on the type of results that they had achieved. For instance, we like to talk about how someone attended a business meeting that only people with specific qualification and position will be invited. We envy their qualification and position, we wish to have the same type of qualification and position they are in. This, somehow, create another problem.

Many people, not just Asian, think that successful is a result. The problems occur when we want to show people what we are capable of. This apply to us who want to purchase larger and better properties so that people would know that we are capable of this. And also visiting restaurants and food places that are considered expensive because we could afford that, and our inner conscious want to disguise ourself to be somebody who can afford all these luxuries compare to those who can’t. When you post on Facebook and people know that you visited some expensive restaurants, they envy of you and think you are doing really well, and you are quite satisfying because what other people think convince you that you are good and getting closer to success.

But unfortunately, you are not as successful as how others think you are. You are just obsess with the general Facebook Image Crafting, a concept where you create a great impression by using the best and greatest event in your life with the mask of internet to let others know you are doing excellently. If you take a good look in your actual life, how much financial burden you need to deal with time to time with such spending?

Rather than depending on result to beg people to think that you have an excellent life, teach the next generation to think that you need true mindset that want actual success that determine by everything you do, you can do excellent work and produce good result. Not just excellent by materials and surface, but incapable of dealing with the after-impact.

5.Motivation and Inspiration > Pain and Suffering

Delivering pain and suffering so that people would listen and follow what you want is one of the concept during war, but is totally cruel and the main impact that carve into people’s heart is not the message that you want to pass them, is the actual pain towards their body and mind that develop throughout their entire life.

Even at modern days, there are still parents, which including young adults, believe that canning and causing pain and fear to their children is an effective way to teach and discipline them.

Result wise, yes we can achieve the desired result that we want using canning, scolding, and whichever way to make them follow what we want. But in the end of the day, it’s highly likely that they would learn that they have to do something because if they don’t they will have to experience pain and suffering, but do not understand the true reason to do something.

Think in the future when your children grew up and became parent of their own child, do you want them to cause fear and pain to their own children so that their children should just do things because of fear? Don’t you think it’s a better idea for them to learn how to teach their children and influence others to know how to do things for good reasons?

6. Stop Following Other People’s Footstep

If you have Asian parent, it wouldn’t be weird when they often saying things like: “You see XXXX, they are so good at XXXX. You should be like them!”. As the common perception of Asian often involve following, we are always expected to just follow the path that most people walked on to ensure that you can achieve a good result. Why? Because someone else follow the path and they did it! So following the same path means definitely will become successful like them right? WRONG! Who says that following people path definitely achieve good result?

I’m still unsure on the source of this belief, but I have to be firm on this: Nope, following other people footstep just means you are following, not achieving. Imagine this, when you follow other people footstep, where would your eyes concentrate in order to follow their path? It’s the footstep, which means you are staring at the floor all the time. But how do you ensure what lies ahead? I often got frustrated when I ask people why they want to do something and they answer something like “Because other’s doing that!”.

Stop following other people’s footstep is not the same as stop walking on the path that people had walked on and they consider that as path of success. You can still walk on it, BUT knowing where are you heading to. In other words, lift your head, look what’s in front, and know if you are walking on the path that you want. Know if there is alternative and better path, create your own path if possible, and tell yourself where you are heading to. Simply put, when you are doing something common that people doing, know what you are doing. Don’t do it because others are doing it.

7. Do things because of reason, not because you have to

After you learn and determine that you are walking on the right path that you want, you need to know the exact reason why you are walking on it. We don’t want the following generation to do things because they are asked to. We don’t want them to achieve things and do everything but in the end of their life, they are unsure of what are they trying to achieve.

The idea is similar to encourage them to ask “Why”, which is a really powerful word as you can see. When they are asked to do something, make sure they know the real reason behind doing it. Don’t study because other kids are doing it, let them know the reason to study is because they need to gain true and useful knowledge, not vaguely about sitting in exam to get good grade, good looking qualification, better job and better life.

8. Be brave and learn to say sorry

This is, again, not only the issue with Asians, many other people from other races and nations also have the similar issue. But I’m not sure if it’s just me, my experience dealing with people from other nations is quite different because they seems to have no problem saying sorry. In my usual life and experience dealing with my friends here, “Sorry seems to be the hardest word” - Elton John.

This always make me recall some of the actions that I know from Asian parents. When parent did a mistake, you can’t expect them to say “I’m sorry for causing this….”, you can get any type of response except that. In certain case, and it’s quite frequent, they might blame something else and in the end, their main point is just representing that they are not at fault. This is how egoism are built and practiced. And also influence the younger generation to perform the same behavior and say the similar things when they realize that they are wrong instead of admitting mistake and saying sorry.

Saying sorry when you suppose to is the key to avoid conflicts and make things better. In an usual case, I seen generation Y have serious issue admitting their are wrong. It’s like saying sorry means his/her entire life is worthless. We need to teach the younger generation to understand that sorry doesn’t crumble our life, it doesn’t means we are totally sinful and everything is our fault. We need to be sorry for the exact thing we did wrong, know what we are sorry for, know how to accept our weakness and improve ourself from mistake, so that we no longer need to stay with the same wrongful behavior and mindset.

9. Remember, we are Role Model, and everyone will eventually turn into one

“I don’t care how others think about me” is a brave thoughts. Able to live with it give us the idea and courage to do what we truly think is right. We no longer live in other people’s perception. In modern days, its quite often that our action and mindset is being denied without proper reason. The only thing we know is just people don’t agree with it, that is why we should not do that. Able to persuade our own path with the despise and disagreement of others is not a totally wrong idea. People denying you doesn’t mean they are always right, they just having their own reason. As long as you know what you are doing, you have the rights to put your action into test. You probably can guess what I’m going to say: this (again) create some type of problems.

In our generation, we have an extremely strong desire to do what we want and go all the way with our own ideal, even if many people have something to say about us. There are times when we can find people to agree with what we are doing. But there are also times when people are totally against it. With or without reason, it’s not surprising that we occasionally turn a deaf ear when people said something that against our liking. This further transform us into a being that is not willing to listen to others and just do whatever we want without caring of how others think and feel. It’s alright to do it because you have the choice but that is not how we want the next generation to think and behave, and we don’t want to future generation to focus on doing whatever they like without considering that younger generation will always learn from older generation .

Like it or not, younger generation will always look at us. How we think and behave will eventually influence them. They will follow what we do, just like when you admire someone and you wish to be like them. That is in a good way, but it also occur when they see people treating a waiter/waitress badly and they thought it’s okay to do so because others are doing it. WIllingly or not, our behavior will carve into their mind and always reminding them how others did in certain situation, and they might do the same when they do not know what is right and wrong.

This is why, remembering that you are a role model means you need to behave properly and give them a good reason to follow what you are doing. Sometimes, it doesn’t matter if they understand why you are doing this, if you are being a good role model and they follow you, eventually they will understand the good reason behind doing it.

10. Remember to Balance Out Happy Life and Tough Life

Unlike the old times where people struggle all the time to get a good job and a proper life, modern people are really fortunate. Most of the people in developed countries don’t experience starvation and the type of life where we would afraid that we couldn’t get a job and live in a proper house. Most of the people nowadays are more than enough fortunate, especially if you are at least able to access the internet and read this blog. They also have access to lots of luxury lifestyle and materials. Which is why the pain & suffering in the old days are not visible and understandable for many people, and telling them about those tough days can’t help much to make them understand that life was tough back to those days.

The younger the generation is, the more they do not understand tough life, as well as not willing to accept it. But I do see parents trying to make them understand how life supposed to be and bringing up all those true experience and events that once happened in the past. Of course, what parent said is real, but it’s just no longer apply to our current life. Modern people are obsessed with happy life, instead of understand how life was tough, they are more interested to life can be much more happier and better.

This is how people want life to be nowadays, so telling them that life is tough only make them felt that what you said is totally unrealistic. Instead, you need to make them think that life should have happiness, but it also need to go through hardship in order to learn and live to see the world, not just have fun all the time.

11. Life is not all about Own Self

Lastly, I think the most important thing is to realize that living is not all about keep on enriching your own life. Don’t focus on giving all the best for yourself and put all the time for your own personal life.

As the technology grew to be much more powerful and capable, people have access to the internet anytime they want and we can travel to many places when we want (and when our financial allow), we are getting more sources for access to activities and things that take us further away from our friends and family. Well, there are times when you can’t have your friend’s and family along when you travel, and accessing internet usually is by our self, not with friends and family.

In another perspective, it’s not just about friend’s and family, it’s also about the society and people around the world. Teach them to know the importance of living for the society and help out those who are poorer and need helps from others, just like when we need help when we are incapable of solving our own problems. We might think that we do not need to help others as there are always other parties who are willing to help, we only notice its importance when we are in the situation that desperately need helps from others. Don’t let the younger generation take things for granted, live for everyone and live out the best out of life.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

No more Monday Blue at work

Hate Monday blue on every Sunday night? You really don’t need it, and it’s not that okay just because everyone have it. Even if you have few more years before you retired, living with Monday blue, or to be more specific, dislike working is definitely not something encouraging. What’s more if you have 20 or 30 more years to work for?

Monday blue is not necessary, really. Despite having unlimited Monday blue, look at the bright side because there are numerous methods to eliminate Monday blue.

Here’s simple tips with little efforts for relieving yourself from suffering from monday blue during the weekend and on Monday.

1. Throw all your worries and frustration down the drain on Friday night

Don’t bring whatever unhappiness and dissatisfaction you had on the week to the coming weekend. Go to the cafe, bar, the park, party, library, or anywhere to relax and tell yourself that you had gone through a busy working weeks so you deserve a relaxing and good weekend, and get yourself prepare for your weekend plan.

2. Prepare a complete weekend plan

Make it much more complete than your usual work plan. There are only Saturday and Sunday available, and it’s a disaster to waste them and feel sad for not doing anything you want during the weekend at a Sunday night.

During the weekend, try to achieve and complete the to-do list in your plan as much as you could.

The consequences of without any weekend plan at all put yourself at the risk of thinking what to do during the weekend and could waste few hours up to more than half a day! Come on, you only have two days to do whatever non-working stuff before you gotta get into a 5 continuous busy working days again.

3. Avoid any work related stuff on Sunday night

If you have unfinished work, finish them before 6pm or leave it for tomorrow. Sunday night is the time where you need to relax yourself to the max and leave yourself no chance of regrets on insufficient time for your personal activities before the start of a busy working day.

4. Get a luxury breakfast on Monday morning

It’s not just the issue that the elder repeatedly nagging for ages: breakfast is good for your health. A good breakfast also contribute to starting your day with something special and joyful.

For the Monday morning, reward yourself with special and “luxury” breakfast. It does not need to be expensive, just special enough that you feel great and getting yourself into the mood of humming some songs without realizing it yourself.

5. Spend little time for work planning and management on weekend

Bear in mind that I’m talking about work “planning and management”, not finishing up all your work on weekend.

While it’s alright to spend some time on working stuff on weekend, the main thing about weekend is to spend time to fulfill your personal life satisfaction, hanging out with friends to relax, and do any activity that boost your happiness and life satisfaction.

When you have a proper work planning and personal target on what you want to do in the coming week, you will be more prepare for that week and feel much less intense and uncertain

6. Get into office earlier than usual

So that you can start doing your work earlier and in the end of the day, you are able to complete more than other usual day….. NO! Getting into the office earlier when there isn’t much people allow you to enter the office when everything is quiet and peaceful to feel less intense and calm.

Start your day by doing something relaxing, Facebook, read a book, talk with colleagues and anything that is non-work related instead of starting your work right away. It's the same concept for having a better breakfast in the morning: to start your day with something enjoyable and satisfying.

The earlier you get into the office, the more time you have for your peaceful personal time and the higher chance that no one will be there to work and spread the negative working atmosphere. If you enter the office later and looking at your colleagues serious working facial expression, you will eventually felt like your working mood had started and there is no time to relax.

Also, waking up earlier is a good habit. Provided that you sleep early too. In the end, it's for the better health improvement and better working life.